
martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012

Turning point.

I have been some turning point all my life but here I'm going to talk about bachillerato studies.
When I was in ESO, I worked hard and I always did my homeworks, but I didn't study too much, only for pass exams because I'm a bit lazy. But when I started Bachillerato, I thought that I have to work harder and study a lot because I want to enter in a career that require high level (physiotherapy). Finally I get good marks but I thought that I could improve it in second year. 
This year I haven't got the marks that I wanted because I'm a bit lose in classes and I'm not working harder. But after christmas, I'm going to study and work harder because If i don't do it I will not entry in the career that i want. C'mon Eligio, you can do it!

sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012


When we finished 4ºESO we went to Cambrigde and London. Samara and I stayed at Dilip's house in Cambridge. He was my exchange who had stayed with my family when he came to Seville.
Although Dilip wasn't with us for a long time because he had to play cricket for the school team, we had a great time there. I remember The Perse School was very big and it have big courts, that was incredible. I could say that the best thing that we did there is the barbecue in a big park because I laughed so much with my classmates and our exchanges.
However, I prefer the time that we spent in London because we did very interesting things in very little time. Also, I really had fun with all my classmates.
In conclusion, I wish I could go on another school trip with my classmates because I always have a good time with them!

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012


Fail Sergio's cheating started one day in a biology exam when we were in 4ºESO. It was a turning point because of that, I started to see Sergio in a different way.
Before the exam, Sergio told me that he didn't study biology. So, he didn't know nothing about that. I said to him that he could pretend to be sick and he could go to his house and do the exam other day. But, he decided to do the exam that day using the art of cheating by little papers. He prepared that the previous class before the exam.
So, the exam was about to start and I'm was very concentrated because it was the last exam of the second term. During the exam, I saw Palmira talking seriously with Sergio. I listened that if he could raise up her arm but he didn't want. I suposed that he had the little papers down her arm. Finally, Palmira saw the little notes and She took Sergio's exam puting on it a big zero.
The consecuences of that were that he failed the second term, but he could pass biology in the final term.
The moral of this story is: DON'T COPY, and if you do it, do it well, please...

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Bilingual bests friends.

Since I was in 1ºESO, I have met a lot of people and I have done a lot of friends, but the most special persons for me in bilingual group are Antonio Gutierrez and Javi Muñiz.
We have been good friends since we knew us. We did a lot of things together: we have gone to play bowling, to see a film in the cinema and we have played football. We have a funny anecdote and It occurred when we met one day to prepare a cake because we wanted to help poor people in Honduras. Finally, when we made the cake, we put it into the fridge because the pie had to be cool. Also, we cut a piece of pie for us. Half an hour later, we saw that the pie had big bubbles! We thought that it was so strange... but, maybe the pie could have a good taste... but no, it was disgusting!. Finally, Javi's mum did a fabulous cake.
In conclusion, Antonio and Javi are my best friends, and I never forget them in the future if i went to live to another country because of work.

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012


I´m going to speak about Mª Paz Derri. She has been my teacher since I was in 2ºESO and She is one of my favorite teachers in school because she is different than others teachers.
When she is explaining us something about chemistry, I can´t understand her because she speaks very fast, using strange words. But when I say to her that she could explain again the lesson, finally I can work it out.
We always cheated in her CMC exams because she always was sitting in her chair and doing other things, so we took advantage of that and we copied in exams. This year, We have Mari Paz as chemistry teacher. That's Good!

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012

My earliest memory in school

My earliest memory in Nestor Almendros was when I went into my first class in the annex building. I was sitting down in the first chairs line and listening my new english teacher who was explaining us how we were going to do in classes. It seemed to me that her classes were very difficult because I had never been in a english class where the teacher is always speaking in English. Also, I remember that there was another teacher, She was my first E.S.O tutor and social sciences teacher.
When we finished this first class, I was speaking with my new classmates about football and metting with them someday.

martes, 19 de junio de 2012

Futbol-Canasta #quesepegue

En este 3er trimestre, los organizadores de bicicross hemos cambiado el taller por el futbol-canasta. Simplemente consiste meter un balon de futbito en la canasta, pero sin utilizar las manos. Las clases eran todos los lunes, pero han tenido tanto éxito que los alumnos que se habian apuntado a esta clase querian jugar otros dias de la semana. Además el jugador que más puntos metía en ese día era el llamado MVP y le damos un par de collejas por su exito jaja. Os dejo un par de fotos y un video de nuestro taller.

Ejercicios realizados en el 3er trimestre.

Este 3er trimestre, que he tenido muchos exámenes y poco tiempo libre, solo he hecho muy poco ejercicio. Sin embargo, si le he dedicado unos 20 o 25 minutos. Las sesiones consistian fundamentalmente en los ejercicios del 2º proyecto nike, pero los ejercicios de resistencia los he omitido porque me quitaba mucho tiempo.
Como no he tenido mucho tiempo para hacer deporte en mi tiempo libre, si he dedicado algunos recreos para hacer baloncesto, futbol, futbol-canasta, además de las ultimas clases de educación fisica que hemos tenido en las que también hemos jugado a estos deportes.

viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

Pep Guardiola opinion (english homework)

In my opinion, Pep guardiola should stay in Barça F.C because with him this team has had the best results of Barça history.

Pep Guardiola is the perfect coach for Barcelona because he has grown up there until he was very young. So, He know Barça philosophy better than others. Also, his players love him because he make a compact team and he bet for players from the club's youth team. So, all his players must do a big effort if they want to play in the first team. And finally (and most important), in 4 years, he win more than 10 thophys and i personally think that no one will beat him.

In conclusion, If Barcelona wants to win again more trophys, Guardiola should stay there.

For and against internet (english homework)

All people know that internet is a very important invent for humans because we can use to do a lot of things, but there are also bad things in internet...

On the one hand, Internet is the best way of comunication because you can use to see the news, chat with your friends or with your companion work. Also, you can use internet to spend your leisure time. For example, playing online games, watching funny videos and films etc...

On the other hand, Internet is a dangerous site because there many people who they want to steal your accounts (hackers) or people who wants to threathen other people.

I think if we use internet in a good way, this bad things will disappear and you can enjoy internet without any concern.

The mousetrap by Agatha Christie. (english homework)

In the Monkswell Manor, a guesthouse, eight characters were trapped by snow. They were involved in a crime that were made near there because tyrant Trotter said to them that there an assasin who wanted to go to Monkswell Manor. The assasin left a clue in which put a song " the three blind mouse".  They suposed that he wanted to kill two more characters and the assasin was one of them. Finally, one of the characters were murdered by the assasin. All of them are suspicious...
Nowadays, If people is attraped in a house, they will call someone that could help, by mobile phone, internet ... So, a lot of police or friends could come to the guesthouse and they could do something to take the assasin to comisary. Things change it depends of the time.

The part of the book that I really enjoyed is when Trotter say to Mollie (owner of Monkswell Manor) that he is not a tyrant and he is the assasin. He want to kill her because now she know his secret but when he is going to kill her, one character that he knows before time ago that she said him that she can help him because he have a mental problem. I like this part because no one thinks that the assasin could be the tyrant, so it is so shocking.

I like this novel because it is very intriguing and you dont know what could past and who could be the assasin, its a very good novel!

martes, 12 de junio de 2012

Creative Writing (english homework)

This tree in the photo is not happy because it havent got leaves and branches. So It cant make friends. Birds cant sing on him because he havent got branches and squirrels also cant find shades under this tree because its not leafy. Moreover, next to the poor tree, there is nothing. So, it is alone and it wants to live with someone around him who can give him a good company. But now it is sad.
But some little flowers is blooming around him. The tree is fighting to get company and became like in the past, when he was a leafy tree. There is a little ray of hope, the tree is working hard to live well.
The moral of this photo is that a bad moment can change if you work hard and you think that this moment in the future will disappear.

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

¿Te imaginas un mundo sin sentido?

Al principio de esta idea tuvimos otras como ¿te imaginas una pelea con un baile? o ¿te imaginas hacer una clase de música futurista? pero finalmente nos decantamos por la idea que está en el título de esta entrada.

La historia trata de una clase en el año 2032 en la que la profesora intenta explicar la 3ª guerra mundial, en la que la tierra fue invadida por unicornios. Sin embargo, antes de que ella pudiera empezar la lección los alumnos se pelean con el alumno empollón que sale a la pizarra para responder la pregunta hecha por la profesora. En ese momento sale uno de los componentes de lmfao para poner calma en esa clase a base de bailar shuffle, en la que la moraleja que da es que la música une a la gente.

Aunque en los ensayos el "te imaginas" salia correctamente, en el escenario y delante de todo el público el baile nos ha salido bastante descordinado y sin ritmo, por lo que no estamos contentos con lo que hemos hecho delante del público.


Video (donde hemos sacado los pasos):

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012

Carne mechá con salsa de verduras!

Javi Sendra y yo hemos hecho un plato de carne, que para mi gusto es una exquisitez jeje. Además lleva una salsa bastante sana ya que tiene 3 tipos de verduras. Los ingredientes son:

-1 kg de lomo en trozos.
-2 cebollas.
-2 zanahorias.
-1 cabeza de ajo.
-Aceite de oliva virgen extra.
-Vino blanco.
- Pastilla de avecrem

Antes de empezar hay que quitarle a la carne lo máximo posible de grasas (el tocino, de color blanco) para que el plato quede lo menos grasiento posible y hacerlo así más sano. Hay que recordar que todos estos productos son ecológicos (Carne, Ajo, Aceite...) o de temporada (Zanahorias, Cebollas).
Primero se pela la verdura y se hecha a la olla express. A esta verdura se le hecha un chorreón de aceite y se calienta, hasta alcanzar un color dorado y cuando llega a este punto se le añade a la olla express la carne y agua (2 vasitos) y una pastilla de avecrem. Se cierra la olla express y hay que esperar 40 minutos para que la carne se haga totalmente. Después de estar en la olla express, la carne se saca y todo el caldo de verduras se pasa por la batidora para que las verduras se triture y quede esta salsa tan buena. Probarlo en casa porque no es caro, sano (para ser un plato de carne) y bueno :D.
Video explicativo de que alimentos utilizamos.
El resultado final
 La carne, a la que se le tiene que quitar la grasa.
 Las verduras calentandose.
 La salsa de verduras.
El resultado final de la carne.

jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

Contagia 2!

El miércoles, 25 de enero, Javier Sendra y yo dimos la clase de contagia 2, en la que nuestra profesora nos pidió que lleváramos una serie de actividades que fueran útiles para utilizarla en nuestro tiempo libre. Nosotros propusimos hacer actividades relacionadas con el baloncesto, algunos juegos de nuestra infancia (con las normas cambiadas). También íbamos hacer 2 juegos más pero no nos dio tiempo para explicarlo y jugar en clase, pero que explicare aquí en que consiste por si alguien tiene interés en practicarlo.

Aunque los juegos que propusimos fueron inventados por nosotros dos, nos apoyamos en la información de las siguientes páginas web:

y como motivación y para saber los beneficios del juego:

Los juegos que propusimos en clase fueron los siguientes:

1º La cuerda: Una persona da vueltas a una cuerda y alrededor de la cuerda hay personas (tienen que formar un círculo). Consiste en que las personas que están en el círculo salten la cuerda y que el grupo intente que la cuerda de el nº de vueltas posible.

Material: Una cuerda.

2º El matar con defensores: Nos hemos basado en el clásico matar de toda la vida, pero hemos cambiado un poco las reglas. En vez de utilizar un solo balón hemos utilizado 5. Además, hemos añadido un nuevo concepto, el del jugador defensor. A este jugador no se le puede "matar" y intenta defender los balonazos del otro equipo para que no le den a los compañeros de equipo. Este jugador también puede lanzar balonazos para "matar" a los jugadores adversarios. Como en el juego clásico, las personas que reciben un balonazo del equipo contrario "muere" y se situa en la linea de fondo del campo del rival. Si los jugadores muertos lanzan el balon y le da a un oponente, "reviven" y se vuelve a situar en el terreno de juego.

Cada equipo se situa en una mitad de la cancha y no la puede traspasar. Gana el equipo que a matado a los jugadores adversarios, excepto al defensor, que es "inmortal".

Materiales: 5 balones blanditos o que no hagan daño (gomaespuma, voleibol...)

Os dejo el video del matar, el juego clásico (se ve un poquillo mal, pero sirve para ver como se juega):

3º Pañuelito con balón de basket: Este es otro juego de la infancia, al que se le han cambiado las normas.
Ambos equipos se sitúan en la linea de fondo de sus respectivos campos, y una persona dice un número (antes a cada miembro del equipo se le asigna un numero) y sale la persona que corresponda. Estas dos personas intentaran coger el balón de basket para meter en la canasta del campo del oponente. Cuando un jugador tire el balón se termina el juego, aunque no haya metido punto. El jugador que no ha cogido el balón intentará robarle el balón al rival y, si no tira, tendrá la opción de tirar en la canasta contraria. Gana el equipo que haya conseguido más puntos.

Material: dos canastas y un balón de baloncesto.

A continuación enseño un vídeo del pañuelito de toda la vida:

Ahora os voy a enseñar brevemente los dos juegos que no nos dio tiempo explicar en clase:

4º Partido de basket y los aros: Es simplemente un partido de baloncesto, pero con dos normas diferentes, la primera es que todos los componentes del equipo tienen que tocar balón antes de encestar, sino el punto no vale, y la segunda norma es que solo se puede tirar a canasta desde unas posiciones señaladas por aros. Los puntos varian segun de la distancia de los aros, pudiendo conseguir 1 o 2 puntos.

Material: 1 balon de baloncesto, 2 canastas y 8 o más aros.

5º K.O: Es un juego, parecido al 21.
Los jugadores se sitúan en fila en la linea de tiros libres. El primero de la fila intenta meter la canasta, y si falla, va a por el rebote hasta que enceste. El segundo tiene que intenta meter también, pero antes del primero. Si esto sucede, el primer jugador está eliminado. Cuando uno encesta, pasa el balón al siguiente de la fila. Esto continúa hasta que queden dos jugadores, que tiran a la vez para decidir el ganador. Ambos jugadores pueden usar el balón para golpear el del otro, impidiendo su canasta.
Material: 2 balones de baloncesto y una canasta.
A continuacion un video donde hay niños que juegan al K.O.

Espero que os haya gustado nuestra clase jeje.

martes, 24 de enero de 2012

1000 cranes for peace - Violence in sports (english homework)

Violence in sports ia aomething that all people (players, supporters...) and this must be finish. This is quite common in sports that there are physical contact like football, rugby, basketball, because players use his body to take "the ball". Maybe, accidentally, you can injure your opponent (no problem, because players have this risks). But there are some players that they dont play fair. I think that this players must be punish by sports federations when they do some dirty reactions because there are a lot of players that are very famous and supporters can imitate them because most of supporters want to be like this players.

Say no to dirty players!

This video has some dirty reations of players that we shouldn't imitate.

In hockey, it has done famous fight during the match, i dont know why happens that...